Carriage Horses: What You Can Do

Take Action on Carriage Horses
One horse pulling 13 people in the broiling sun in Charleston, SC.
  • – If you are a New York City resident and oppose the carriage horse trade, contact him online or write to:

  • Mayor Eric Adams
    City Hall
    New York, NY 10017
  • – Watch the film Blinders to learn more about the lives of urban carriage horses.
  • – If you have horse-drawn carriages where you live, network with groups and lawmakers who have successfully banned the carriage horse trade in their cities such as Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Reno, Camden, and Palm Beach. The Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages and The Committee for Compassionate & Responsible Tourism have been fighting to end the carriage horse trade in New York City, and both provide important information and good ideas on their websites. Check them out.
  • If you witness an accident involving a carriage horse or see a horse that has been injured, is underweight, or is suffering in the extreme heat or cold, please contact both your local police and S.P.C.A. or humane society.

Also, don’t forget to alert the media.