Equine Advocates Resources

Below, you will find links to websites, downloadable PDFs, and contact information. Click on each topic to view.

Equine Summit Presentations



How to Report Equine Cruelty Cases

For some people, it takes a lot of courage to take the initiative and report incidents of animal cruelty, but by doing so suffering and death can be prevented; And in the end, you will be able to feel good about the fact that you took action and did the right thing. See below to download the How to Report Equine Cruelty Cases PDF.

Download How to Report Equine Cruelty PDF


Wild Mustangs & Burros

For more information on the Wild Horse and Burro crisis, please visit:


Carriage Horses

Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages

The Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages, which has been fighting to end the carriage horse trade in New York City, has important information and good ideas on its website. Visit their website.

Compassionate & Responsible Tourism:
Visit website


PMU Industry

Here are important documents relating to PMU:


Rodeo and Horse Soring

U.S. House Passes Anti-Horse Soring Bill